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Gondi New Testament bible printing

Dear brother/sister in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God in His sovereign plan had called me and my wife to work among the Muria Gonds of Central India. We went in 1989 and lived there up to 2008. We worked as Bible Translators and also as church planters among the tribe called Muria Gonds.

After I took over the leadership here in the ICGM office, my wife Sheela started doing involving fully in the translation of the New Testament. The work was completed last year and the spell check, full stop, comma, consistency, and community tests were completed this year. Now the Gondi NT is ready for printing.

It is going to cost us 120 rupees for each copy and we need 5000 copies. This is the Word of God in print for the Muria Gonds. There are 45 Gondi worship groups numbering 6000+ members. There are 25 missionaries in the CG mission field in addition to the 25 Gondi students studying in Jubilee Memorial Bible College, Chennai. If God provides the needs by December 2022, we would like to get the Gondi NT printed by January 2023 and dedicate that on the 26th of January.

Would you pray and participate by supporting this urgent need of Printing the Gondi New Testament? You can support 200 NTs (Rs24,000) or 500 NTs (Rs. 60,000) or 1000 (Rs120,000) or as the Lord leads.

With love and prayers,

In His Mission,

Leslie Nagarajan,
General Servant, ICGM