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Support Manipur Kuki Missionaries

Dear brother / sister in Christ,

Greetings in the loving name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

India is full of people groups with their own cultural identity and languages.  Recently Manipur state has been in the news because of the ethnic fight between the Kukis and Meities people.  Kukis are all hill people and all are Christians.  Kuki Baptist Convention is one of the missionary organizations which has been sending and supporting missionaries in the past.

Last January we had communication with them and they were glad to support our ICGM missionaries. We were invited to come to the Imphal KBC office in June. But things turned upside down.  Their churches and the office building were burnt and they are now helpless and came to Chennai to request us to help them for two years to support their missionaries for the next two years after which they will reciprocate.

We as missionaries feel that it is God’s time and will that we should support these missionaries. There will be ten missionaries paying them 20,000 rupees including their salary, House rent, Travel and medical expenses.    We are prayerfully considering supporting ten of the Kuki missionaries working in North India.  You may not know that our North India Regional Head Mr. Thang Pao Haokip also is a brother from Kuki tribe. 

Will you please prayerfully consider sharing this burden for these missionaries and support them as the Lord leads?


With love and prayers,

In His Mission,

Leslie Nagarajan,

General Servant, ICGM